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Don't Trash It, Smash It!

The Pumpkin Smash is an annual effort by communities to divert pumpkins from landfills by providing locations for residents to drop-off jack-o-lanterns to be composted. It is held each year the Saturday after Halloween. The 2022 Pumpkin Smash composted over 232 tons of pumpkins. Help us compost more in 2023!

2023 Pumpkin Smash with Logos Facebook.jpg

Why Keep Pumpkins Out of the Landfill?

Composting is nature’s way of recycling with many benefits:

  • Avoids landfill greenhouse gas emissions from decomposing organics (currently, landfills are the 3rd largest producers of methane in the U.S.!)

  • Produces a useful, nutrient-dense soil amendment

  • Pumpkins are 90% water which is great for our soil, not so good in our landfills


Since 2014 the Pumpkin Smash has…

  • Composted over 1012.40 tons of pumpkins

  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 751.88 tons of CO2e

  • Diverted 217,286.62 gallons of water from landfills

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